Final Report & Analysis
Black Diamond Paranormal Society
“We are the light that cuts the darkness. Therefore, when you see… truth must be honored.”
Final Report and Analysis
Case 011
Pocahontas Community Methodist Church (The Rock Church)
April 18, 2009
Pocahontas Virginia
Rodney Shortridge, Robyn Belcher, Aaron Shortridge, John Belcher, Mike Brown
& Special Guest Amy Flick
On April 18, 2009 the BDPS team investigated the Pocahontas Community Methodist Church (The Rock Church) located in Tazewell County in the town of Pocahontas, Virginia. I would like to take this moment to thank Amy Flick for contacting BDPS and giving us permission to investigate such an historical site. We decided to use two teams to investigate this site. The first team consisted of Robyn, Johnny and Aaron. The second team consisted of Mike, Amy Flick and myself. We started our investigation around 9:00 p.m. and finished around 2:30 a.m.
Equipment used at this site included (3) DVR’s, (1) Microcassette Recorder, (2) Camcorders with night vision, (4) digital cameras, (1) K2 Meter, (1) EMF Meter and (1) Laser Thermometer. As we try to do in all of our investigations, we placed the DVR’s in areas that have reports of paranormal activity or areas of interest. One was placed on a church pew, one was placed in the back room of the church, and one was placed in the basement. One night vision camcorder was placed in the back of the church facing the front, and the last night vision camcorder was placed behind a pew facing the back of the church. The microcassette recorder was held by each team as they went into the church.
We started the investigation with Robyn, Johnny and Aaron going into the church. Later Mike, Amy Flick and I finished the investigation. This was a great experience for the entire team to be investigating such a large church.
Johnny explained that he had a personal experience by something pulling on his shirt. I also kept having something brushing the front of my hair. I could actually feel something touch my head. As my hair would be moving back I got Mike to check my head to make sure there weren’t any bugs in my hair and he said that there was nothing there. This kept happening many times and finally stopped about an hour before we finished our investigation. Amy Flick also had a personal experience shortly after we got started doing our investigation. I was on the pew pit area while Mike and Amy were down around the church benches. We I heard something bouncing on the floor and Amy accused me of throwing something at her. It wasn’t me. I didn’t throw anything at her but, you can hear it on the DVR’s. Amy explained that she felt a breeze as the unknown object went by her. We looked around to see if we could find a rock or anything that would explain this event but we found nothing that could explain this event.
Photo evidence shows an apparition that looks like a black man standing at the pew area of the church in one of the photos taking by Robyn during the investigation. I also caught, on two different photos, a shadow in the corner of a pew of the church. These photos were taken within 5 seconds of each other and it shows something that was either trying to form or a shadow that just appeared.
We heard the following EVP’s (electronic voice phenomenon) and unexplained noises:
‘A very loud bang’ this was caught on two different DVR’s, one located in the back of the church, the other was at the front of the church in the pew area. There was no explanation for this noise.
‘An object bouncing on the floor sounds like a rock’
‘Something being moved and slamming against something else in the basement area of the church’
‘Unexplained clicks’
“Rodney” with something else being said that we could not understand-Male Voice
Unexplained Female Voice that we were unable to understand
‘Unexplained Cell phone ringing’ *Note: we do not take our cell phones in with us on any investigations. They are left in our vehicles. This is a rule that is strictly enforced.
‘Unexplained Male Voice that we were unable to understand’
We have come to the conclusion that this property has moderate paranormal activity in the form of EVP’s, apparitions, shadows, unexplained noises and orb activity and possibly poltergeist activity. Our hope is to one day come back to investigate this historical site with more advanced equipment. This was our eleventh investigation and it was a great success. We have been very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be working with such a historical town as Pocahontas Virginia and with Amy Flick. I feel honored to have had the success we’ve had and to be working alongside such a professional team.
I look forward to our next investigation. If anyone would like for us to do a paranormal investigation of their home, business, church, property or a family cemetery please contact us. If you would just like to speak with us about any paranormal activity you may be having we would love to hear from you. No problem is too small. We would be honored to help and we do not charge for our services. Contact BDPS to set up a time and place for us to discuss your paranormal questions and or problems.
I feel honored to be working with such a great team. Without the team’s hard work and professionalism BDPS would not be what it has become today.
*Check out our website:
I hope everyone enjoys the photos and the analysis sheet along with the new video we are providing. Also we will have our EVP’s and any video evidence on the site for everyone to view and listen to. You can judge it for yourself. If anyone has any questions or comments we would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think.
I would like to wish Robyn Belcher and Mike Brown a very Happy Birthday!
I would like to also ask everyone to keep Robyn’s best friend April in their thoughts as she has cancer and is battling for her life.
Thank you,
Rodney Shortridge
Founder/Lead Investigator
Robyn Belcher
Case Manager/Lead Investigator
Black Diamond Paranormal Society