BDPS Case 039 Final Report & Analysis Final Report

Black Diamond Paranormal Society©

“We are the light that cuts the darkness. Therefore, when you see… truth must be honored.”

Final Report and Analysis

Case 039

Toregas Apartment

August 31, 2013

Radford, Virginia


Rodney Shortridge, Jason Kwun, Robyn Dalton, Olivia Compton, Scott Osmundson & Jorden Whitt

     On August 31, 2013 the BDPS team investigated the Toregas Apartment located in the Creston Apartment Building in Radford, Virginia. I would like to take this moment to thank Ms. Toregas for giving us permission to investigate such a beautiful apartment. We decided because of the size of the apartment that we would divide into two groups to conduct the investigation. We started our investigation around 7:00 p.m. with tour of the apartment given by Jason Kwun. We started our set up around 7:45 p.m. We then proceeded to our investigation soon after dividing into teams. Team 1 consisted of Robyn Dalton, Olivia Compton and myself Team 2 consisted of Jason Kwun, Scott Osmundson and Jorden Whitt. Each team worked on a rotation changing out with the other team about every 2 hours. We finished our investigation around 3:00 a.m. the following morning. This was a great experience and very helpful in our constant training.


  • (4) DVR’s (Digital Voice Recorders)

  • (0) Microcassette Recorders

  • (0) Zero Lux low lever IR (infra-red) cameras

  • (1) Panasonic handheld camcorder

  • (1) Sony handheld camcorder

  • (3) Kodak digital cameras

  • (0) Nikon camera

  • (0) Fuji digital camera

  • (1) Canon digital camera

  • (2) Samsung digital cameras

  • (0) Motion diction IR (infra-red) Field video/camera

  • (1) K2 Meters

  • (1) EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) Meter

  • (1) Laser Thermometers

     We placed (1) DVR (Digital Voice Recorder) in each of the areas of the property with reports or claims of paranormal activity; including the living room, kitchen, master bedroom and secondary bedroom. The IR cameras were unable to be used due to equipment malfunction, but we were able to use the Panasonic handheld camcorder and the Sony handheld camera for this investigation. Also, each team carried along with them during their investigations one of the following: K2 Meter, EMF (Electro Magnetic Field) Meter or Laser Thermometer.


Reports & Claims

     Ms. Toregas has many claims of being touched, unexplained sounds, unexplained orbs, attachment issues, feelings of losing control of self, held down while sleeping, extensive feelings of losing control in different locations to include self-harm. Most of the claims originate in the hallway, kitchen/dining room and secondary bedroom.   


We were unable to uncover any historical history on this property.

Personal Experiences

There were no personal experiences to report from this investigation.


Photo evidence: We were unable to capture any photographic evidence to support the claims of the client.

Video evidence: We were unable to capture any video evidence to support the claims of the client.

Note:  BDPS does not support the idea of orbs as evidence of the paranormal because most orbs can be explained away as dust, bugs, rain, mist, fog, etc. There are cases that the orbs we photograph seem to move with some type of intelligent intent. We post these photos because we feel that there needs to be more investigation into the Orb Phenomenon and we shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss this phenomenon without further investigation and explanation. So we show these photos in an attempt to add another piece to the puzzle and leave this decision up to you to accept or dismiss orbs as evidence. It is also my opinion to show all evidence so we all can learn from what might be an area of the paranormal that may be getting over looked by researchers.

EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomenon)

We heard the following EVP’s (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) and unexplained noises on our DVR’s (Digital Voice Recorders) & Microcassette Recorder:

2nd Bedroom:

  • Unexplained Female Voice (Hi Hi)

  • Unexplained Female Voice (I just turned 18)

  • Unexplained humming

  • Unexplained sounds when no one is inside

  • Unexplained Whisper (I'm out)


  • Unexplained Childs Voice (Get in back okay)

  • Unexplained Faint Whisper (Oh my)

Living Room:

  • Unexplained Breath

  • Unexplained Childs Voice (I'm, Hi)

  • Unexplained humming

  • Unexplained Whisper (Depart)

Master Bedroom:

  • Unexplained Female voice (Justin)

  • Unexplained noise

  • Unexplained knock

  • Unexplained loud bang

  • Unexplained whisper (Brad)

  • Unexplained whisper and a low moan or whisper

  • Unexplained loud click

  • Unexplained noise (sounds like something drops and hits the floor, but no one was in the apartment at the time)



     We have come to the conclusion that the Toregas Apartment has very low paranormal activity in the forms of EVP’s that helped us to determine our conclusion. I would like to note that we did find a Ouija Board in the dining room of the apartment. If the client is using this device as a means to try and communicate with the other side she may be unintentionally causing the unexplained disruptions within her apartment. We strongly suggest that the client remove the Ouija Board from her apartment as soon as possible as this may be the source of the activity and by removing it may stop all activity.

           I look forward to our next investigation. If anyone would like for us to do a paranormal investigation of their home, business, church, property or a family cemetery please contact us. If you would just like to speak with us about any paranormal activity you may be having we would love to hear from you. No problem is too small. We would be honored to help and we do not charge for our services. Contact BDPS to set up a time and place for us to discuss your paranormal questions and or problems.

            I feel honored to be working with such a great team. Without the team’s hard work and professionalism BDPS would not be what it has become today.

*Check out our Website:

I would like to thank all of the BDPS members for all their hard work. To all of our clients, a special ‘thank you’ for giving us the opportunity to be able to come in and help to the best of our abilities. I know with the team that I have formed we will have exciting investigations in the future. I would like to let everyone know that our members have become more to me than just investigators, they have become my family. Without them BDPS would not be possible. Just like a family we sometimes agree and sometimes we don’t agree but each and every member of BDPS is very special to me. Thanks guys, you all are the best!!!

     I hope everyone enjoys the photos and the analysis sheet along with the new video we are providing. Also we will have our EVP’s, photos and any video evidence on the website for everyone to view and listen to. You can judge for yourself. If anyone has any questions or comments we would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think.

Thank you,

Rodney Shortridge

Founder/Lead Investigator

Black Diamond Paranormal Society



Michele Crigger

Virginia Case Manager



Robyn Dalton

West Virginia Case Manager
