Welcome to Black Diamond Paranormal Society
My name is Rodney Shortridge
former/retired coal miner, printer and long-haul truck driver. Foundered Black Diamond Paranormal Society (BDPS) 2008 and is lead investigator. Interviewed by local and national media on the paranormal. Appeared on A&E’s Biography Channel “My Ghost Story” in 2011 interviewed about the Historic Pocahontas Cemetery. Host of Within the Chaos on Blogtalkradio The Vibe Radio Network started 2016. Member of IMDb professional entertainment credits photographer, graphic artist, actor, executive producer, prop master, technical consultant, honorary entertainment, event speaker. Founded Historic Pocahontas Haunted Walking Tours. Ex-Board Member of the Historic Pocahontas Inc. Community Leader. Founder and Sponsor of PhantomFest started 2018. Member of paranomralsocieties.com, member of the haunting paranormal society network.
Personal: I have four wonderful children and five grandchildren. My children and grandchildren are my life. My father died at the age of 46 and his passing was a tragic time in my life. Without his wisdom I was lost for many years until I realized I had to try to be the man he wanted me to be for my own children. I was diagnosed as being a Type 2 diabetic in 2002 and almost lost my life on 4 different occasions due to my diabetes. I have fought back and with the help of my family, friends and the doctors and nurses I have some of my health back, but it is an everyday struggle. With the creation of Black Diamond Paranormal Society, Within the Chaos, Historic Pocahontas Haunted Walking Tours and PhantomFest it gives my life more meaning to be able to help and give back to so many people.
My book just came out Feb 27th 2020 titled Ghosts of Pocahontas, Virginia and the Hauntings of the Appalachia's it would not have been possible without everyone's hard work through the years...thank you all so much...also a huge thanks to the members and past members of BDPS for their hard work and dedication throughout all the years...here is the link if anyone would like to purchase it…it is set at a very great price $12.00 per book...another huge thanks goes out to Ronda Caudill and Full moon Publishing, LLC without Ronda this book would had never seen the light of day....here is the link:
About BDPS
The goal of our organization is to provide professional assistance regarding paranormal investigation. Each case will be confidential and held with the utmost respect and trust for our client's individual needs.
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